
Normally the young males are separated from the females when they are 2-3 months old and placed in an aviary outside where they fly , play, simply grow up and molt in an very good environment.
They stay in the aviary till 10-15 of October. On that time they have all finished molting and already started  competing  with eachother singing almost the whole day. 

 On the 23 of October the young males are transferred inside in small 'training cages' which normally are 15% bigger than the wooden competition cages . Considering that the young males are transferred from a big aviary outside in small individual cages inside there is a big change for their environment , temperature and the way of living, it is absolutely necessary to change also composition of the seed mixture . It should be less rich in calories otherwise the birds will be obese. ( less physical activity and wormer).  That's why I add about 20% more canary seed in the ' Turlings 2017' and not egg food at all .

On the 10th of November the young males are transferred in  small competition cages ( wooden cages) and the light in the room is reduced drastically.  But it should be dark enough to reed a newspaper easily. They have 2 time per day one hour full light ( early in the morning and late in the evening) in order to eat , drink and destress a bit. And this will go on till the competition day.  

Finally a real STAM : 

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