Food and supplements.

Seed mixture:

Normally, during the year as an everyday food  I use  " Teurlings Kanarie Euro-top met Aces nr 217 "  which is a very compleet seed mixture for song canaires.

Periodically , depending on the season and the purpose I add other seeds in this mixture.  For example for the young males which are training for the contests from September to the next breeding seasoen I add about 20% more canaryseeds ( Witzaad) and for the females starting from November  I add about 20%  White perilla seeds .  


Vitamins from Quicko,  ADEC once every 2 weeks and B once every 2 weeks ( one week ADEC and the week after B) , 2 mil per litter of water. (Factory advice is 2 x 2,5ml / week)

Fruits and vegetables.
Frequency : Twice a week a little apple , Broccoli, Cauliflower, salad or cucumber.

Perle Morbide .
PERLE MORBIDE replaces the need for germinated seeds and as a result, reduces the risk associated with germinated seeds. It has also been shown to increase egg laying by 20% and improve growth index, whilst removing diseases and risks created by germinated seeds.

Frequency: Once a week during the whole year and every day during the breeding season.
Quantity; One coffee spoon per couple with babies during the breeding season and one normal soup spoon for 6 or 7 birds during the  year.
I do not mix it with other ingredients ( egg food or something else)

Egg food.

Normally I use “Witte Mole” egg food. 

Frequency :  It depends on the season.
During the breeding season every day mixed with broccoli and carrots.
For the offspring’s,  I give them   till begin of September twice a week only egg food , not mixed with broccoli and carrots.  
Starting from September for the males once a week and for the females twice a week till the next breeding season.
Quantity:  Enough for one day ( the next morning should have been finished) .


In the cage there is always available Minerals , Gravel for the stomach and sepias to provide the necessary calcium to the birds. My favorite product is CéDé Minerals.

RopaBird Liquid 10%
Since 2015 I use also Ropabird liquid 10%  and I'm very happy with it.  It replaces very well the 'dry oregano' that most of the breeders give to their birds mixed with egg food.
Frequency: once a week ,
Quantity   : 1.5 mil per liter of water.  
RopaBird Extra Forte (formerly known as Liquid 10%) is a 100% natural feeding supplement for the larger type of birds or for breeders. This product has only been enriched with essential oregano oil, but it is added in a higher concentrate than the Digestive Oil or Digestive Liquid. 
• To be added through the drinking water
• Keeps birds healthy all year round when used on a weekly basis
• Essential oregano oil (10%) added for its antibacterial and antifungal properties
• No bacterial resistance
• No side effects
• Less use of medication

Medox from the Red Bird.
100% natural version of the famous product ESB3 of Bayer.
Unlike ESB3, Medox has no side effects on fertility.

- Clean the body and removes bacteria from the body
- Excellent during the breeding season
- Strengthens to the young weaned, preventing ill
- No side effects
- Spectacularly reduces mortality in the nest 
COMPOSITION: - 100% natural herbal, essential oils and organic acids essential. 
HOW TO USE: a) Before breeding; Two weeks before breeding, to give a treatment of 5 consecutive days. This cleanses the body of bacteria and prevents hatchlings have bacteria in their body.
DOSAGE: - 10 ml per liter of water

GreenVet APA3.

GreenVet APA 3 100ml, 100% natural treatment for pigeons, birds and fancy poultry

- Treatment and prevention of infections caused by protozoa, such as atoxoplasmosis, coccidiosis and trichomoniasis
- Strengthens the body's defenses, reducing the risk of infections
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect
- Activates metabolism
- Very effective in situations of stress (transport, abrupt change of environment, latent disease, treatments with massive antibiotics, imbalances in diet, fatigue, thermal stress, overcrowding, malabsorption and dehydration)
- 100% natural product based on natural plant extracts
- APA 3 is recommended for 5-7 consecutive days every 3 weeks.
- Dosage in water: 2-3 ml per 1 liter of water or 2-3 drops in the drinker of 100ml
- Dose in brood paste: 4-6 ml per 1 kg of paste

Housemade paté for the nestlings.

During the breeding season i prepare a special homemade paté in order to boost the growth of the nestlings and help the parents during this difficult period.  
Ingredients :  
a) Broccoli 
b) Carrot
c) Cauliflower
d) Wittemole egg food . 
e) Probiotics 
f) Perle morbide

1) Add the probiotics to the egg food ( read the using instructions of the probiotics) 

2) Blend the broccoli, the carrot and the cauliflower in a blender 

3)  Mix in a bol one portion of this  blended mixture , one portion of Perlemorbide ( prepared 4 hours before with water) and one portion of  Wittemole egg food and mix them very well until you have an soft  paté . We conserve it in fridg maxium 3 days.  This pate will be given every day to the parents ( one teespoon) until we have the first hatchlings.  Once we have the first hatchlings than we increase the quantity in such a way that the next morning it should be finished. Due to the egg presence in it , it needs to be 'changed' every day.    The quantity of the egg food  in this mixture should be increased day after day until we arrive on the fourth day at  2 portion. The birds looooove it.  In mean time , in the cage should be present all time  Witemole egg food in a separate  plastic container. 

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